Hey there, I'm JaG
Currently a 21 year old Computer Science major. I have been writing Java for many years but I also enjoy Web and Python development. Check out my GitHub or keep scrolling to see some of my projects.
Currently a 21 year old Computer Science major. I have been writing Java for many years but I also enjoy Web and Python development. Check out my GitHub or keep scrolling to see some of my projects.
7+ years experience with the Java language.
5+ years experience with web design and development.
4+ years experience with system administration and maintenance.
These are projects
These are only examples of public projects I have posted to other platforms for downloading. I have done countless other projects for private entities as well as personal applications for my everyday use. One example of that would be a personal scheduling application I built with Google Firebase for assigned work and class times. I am always willing to learn new APIs, languages, and concepts to build into my projects. If you'd like to download any of my public stuff feel free to click the button below or keep scrolling to get in contact with me.
Please feel free to join my Discord server and make a ticket
if there is anything you would like to discuss